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Inspired by a retired NYC police officer named Tommy, who asked us to make our original batch stronger and frankly, our original menthol is quite strong. So here we have Tough Tommy, which has a very strong albeit pleasant scent with strong decongesting qualities. We sure hope you enjoy these Tommy approved steamers!


10 tablets per box 


Camphor Essential Oil: Eases headaches. Calms the mind & decongests.
Cedar Leaf Essential Oil: Expectorant & enhances conscious thought.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil: Revitalizes the senses & stimulates mental focus.
Nutmeg Essential Oil: Energizing & uplifting; invigorates the mind & spirit.
Thyme Essential Oil: Promotes feelings of energy.
Menthol Crystals: Temporarily relieves nasal congestion and discomfort

Tough Tommy Shower Steamers by Biddy's Naturals

SKU: 3834754417561
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